Jambu Women’s Running shoes
All types of shoes including Fair Trade Shoes get smelly because of sweat, that’s the most basic reason. If your toes stay wet from the sweat, the smell gets worse because a certain kind of bacteria grows between your toes. Here are some ways to help you to keep your fair trade tennis shoes and running shoes from smelling like a dump:
Fair Trade Socks
1. Wear good quality fairtrade socks, this can help your shoes from being moist. Socks made of non-cotton materials are better such as synthetic socks since they will prevent moisture, rather than staying sweaty, which is very common if you use cotton socks.
You can buy socks made from different synthetic materials. When you are purchasing socks for your sports and running routine, you should remember to base your decision on materials. Cotton stays wet when damped by sweat, thus when your feet starts to gather moist, it will stay that way unless you take them off. The rule of thumb is, stay away from cotton socks.
When running during winter, wearing cotton socks will allow your feet to retain extra moisture, and during summer it can cause feet sores. The best fair trade socks are those which are made from synthetic materials such as acrylic and polyester. During winter, you can use wool-based socks, if you are very vulnerable to blisters, you can utilize double-layered socks to get extra protection.
Storage of Shoes
2. Keep your running shoes in a cool and dry place. Whenever you put your fair trade sneakers and running shoes away, remove the sole inserts to prevent bacterial growth and allow them to air naturally with good ventilation.
Alternate Your Fair Trade Shoes
3. The more fair trade running shoes you have, the better. The recommended minimum number is two pairs of running shoes so that you can give each pair a breath-out period when you’re not using them. If you are running every day, it is great to give your running shoes a breathing period between your routines. Your running shoes can last longer when you give them enough time to relax between your running routines. This is very essential during winter days. Running with a fresh pair of fairtrade running shoes will help you to decrease the occurrence of injuries associated with running. If you don’t have the capacity to get two pairs of shoes at one time, try getting a new pair in the middle of the life of your present fair trade running shoes.
Air Your Fair Trade Shoes
4. The extra padding in the shoes will help you to ensure safety to your leg joints and muscles. Giving your shoes a breath-out period will also decrease the risk of athlete’s foot. This condition is a fungal infection that flourishes in moisture-rich places, such as between your toes. If you find your feet itchy and between your toes and soles, and the skin are cracking, you may already have athlete’s foot. This is caused by a kind of mold-like fungi that grows best in warm, damp places. You can get this condition when you touch the feet of a person with athlete’s foot. However, you can also pick this up from moisture-rich surfaces such as your fair trade running shoes that are not properly dried out or washed properly. You can prevent athlete’s foot by ensuring that your feet are dry before you wear your socks and fair trade running shoes. There are a plethora of products that are now available to control the condition, such as foot powder with anti-fungal properties.
Ideas to help make your Fair Trade Shoes last
5. Baking soda powder (also known as Baking Soda, Bicarbonate of Soda or Baking powder) can also help you to avoid smelly feet, sprinkle some soda powder in your shoes after your run. It will absorb the moisture and prevent bad odor. It is a natural product which is cost effetive and doesn’t have harsh chemicals.
If you have any other tips and ideas on how to keep your Fair Trade products and shoes, or any other shoe for that matter from smelling, I’d love to hear them!