
Does Fair Trade make a difference?

“Supporters believe that Fair Trade makes a significant positive impact in the world”

– Fairtrade advocates for decent working conditions, fair prices for farmers, sustainable practices, environmental protection and the empowerment of farmers and workers in developing countries.
– Fairtrade requires businesses to pay a fair price to farmers for their produce and crops.
– Fairtrade is looking out for farmers to ensure they can improve their livelihoods and strengthen their businesses.

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade Products

Benefits of Fair Trade

Fair Trade Shoes

Disadvantages of Fair Trade

About Us

Buy Fair Trade to wipe out child labour

Take a look at this disturbing report on child labour in an Australian newspaper. I wonder what the statistics are in your country? Do you have a Fair Trade Act in your country? " A damning report on the Australian fashion industry shows 93 per cent of brands do not...

Studies on the Impact of Fair Trade

There are already a lot of studies made concerning the impact of fair trade on the lives of producers and farmers from developing countries. Though a lot has been said on fair trade, knowing the results of such studies can enhance our knowledge of how it has truly...

Connecting Technology and Fair Trade

Technology and fair trade at first glance seems to be on opposite poles. Presently it has been largely associated with handicrafts, agricultural products and food items. There is, however, an industry that is just ripe for inclusion in this movement, this is the field of electronics.

Can Technology and Fair Trade Happen?

Electronic items like microchips are by nature artificial materials, meaning they are made using a combination of other raw materials. People often relate electronics with gadgets like cellular phones, laptops and many others.

A Look in the History of Fair Trade

Knowing the history of fair trade is interesting given that it has a noble goal of helping producers from developing countries achieve better trading conditions for their products. The notion of a fair trade for goods started way back in the 1940s through the efforts...

Fair Trade changes lives

When Paballo was eleven years old in Grade 5 at school, his mother became mentally ill and had to give up her work in a bookshop. As a result, Paballo became very dependent on his father. In his second year at high school when he was fifteen, he was devastated when his father died. As there was now no means of raising the fees required for his schooling, Paballo dropped out of school.

How Fair Trade changed Paballos’ life

Three years later, a past school principal of his paid the fees to enable him to go back to school.

Fair Trade in Lesotho

‘Jewels of Hope’ (JoH) is an organization started to teach orphans and vulnerable children how to make Fair Trade jewellery as a source of income. It was started under ‘Love in Action Lesotho’ (LiAL) in Lesotho, Africa. Fair Trade Jewellery made by orphans and...

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