Tag: Fair Trade Benefits

Pricing Fair Trade Products

The average consumer is often turned off from buying fair trade products upon learning that the prices are higher than commercial ones. The prices go higher still when the products are sold at specialty shops instead of regular stores. Just how is a product priced?

Fair Trade Certification

When a product obtains certification the minimum price is often set by certain standards. The minimum price of the product is the amount that a buyer, a wholesaler for example, has to pay the producers who made the product. Unlike other commercial items, the price of fair trade products is not fixed. Since it aims for producers to practice sustainable production the minimum is set at the cost that covers the production.

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What is Fairtrade

What is Fairtrade and Why Should You Care?

No doubt you’ve seen the Fairtrade label on goods and products in supermarkets, grocery stores, maybe even clothing and home goods stores, more than once or twice before. You may have even purchased one or two Fairtrade products in the past. But how much do you really know about the concept behind the label and what it really means to the both you, the consumer and the people who bring the product to you in the first place?

A Helping Hand, Not Charity

Some people mistakenly believe that Fairtrade is a charitable effort of some sort, the kind that disperses aid to the disadvantaged. That could not, however, be further from the truth. Fairtrade is all about business but also about securing fair pricing, better working conditions and greater independence for farmers and workers from all over the world.

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Who started Fair Trade?

The Fair Trade movement of started over sixty years ago with the founding of Ten Thousand Villages. The organization was the brainchild of Edna Ruth Byler, an American businesswoman who was struck by the poverty that she...

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