
Does Fair Trade make a difference?

“Supporters believe that Fair Trade makes a significant positive impact in the world”

– Fairtrade advocates for decent working conditions, fair prices for farmers, sustainable practices, environmental protection and the empowerment of farmers and workers in developing countries.
– Fairtrade requires businesses to pay a fair price to farmers for their produce and crops.
– Fairtrade is looking out for farmers to ensure they can improve their livelihoods and strengthen their businesses.

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade Products

Benefits of Fair Trade

Fair Trade Shoes

Disadvantages of Fair Trade

About Us

The Impact of Fair Trade on Poor Countries

Despite its conceptualization as an approach that will help developing countries improve, the impact of fair trade on poor countries does not seem to coincide with this assumption. Fair trade focuses on products exported to developed countries by developing countries,...

Does the Fair Trade System Eliminate Poverty?

I read an interesting perspective in an article today. It highlighted the fact that a higher price for fair trade products such as coffee, tea or fair trade shoes isn't going to eliminate poverty. It takes a much deeper understanding into each culture to change...

Fair Trade Clothing Model Competition

The Face of a Fair Trade Model The hunt is on for the face of Annie Greenabelle’s Spring/Summer Fair Trade range is now on!  To enter, send two photographs of yourself to joy@anniegreenabelle.com or via post to Annie Greenabelle, Unit 14-15, Oak Business Centre,...

Buying Fair Trade Helps Fund Change

When you buy Fair Trade products you only spend a little bit of extra money on those products. But that little bit of extra money that guarantees a fair wage to the artisan or craftspeople who make those items adds up to massive amounts of money that is used to fund...

Fair Trade Shoes, Why Bother?

I'll be honest fair trade shoes, when I first heard about it seemed really ridiculous. I had heard of fair trade products, fair trade clothing and coffee and lots of other things, but they weren't related to fashion or shoes for that matter at all. However the more I...

The Difference between Child Labour and Fair Trade Child Work

Fair trade child work is not child labour. There is a difference between the two. But before that we first look at the situation involving children. Multinational companies often make production facilities in developing countries in order to have access to cheap...

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