
Does Fair Trade make a difference?

“Supporters believe that Fair Trade makes a significant positive impact in the world”

– Fairtrade advocates for decent working conditions, fair prices for farmers, sustainable practices, environmental protection and the empowerment of farmers and workers in developing countries.
– Fairtrade requires businesses to pay a fair price to farmers for their produce and crops.
– Fairtrade is looking out for farmers to ensure they can improve their livelihoods and strengthen their businesses.

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade Products

Benefits of Fair Trade

Fair Trade Shoes

Disadvantages of Fair Trade

About Us

Just What is Fair Trade Anyway?

Just What is Fair Trade Anyway? Most people do know that fair trade is ‘good’. They are also fairly sure that by purchasing fair trade goods they are doing something good for others. But that’s about as far as their understanding of fair trade goes. So, if you really...

Impact of Fair Trade on Poor Countries

Examining the Impact of Fair Trade on Poor Countries The usual understanding of fair trade is that it is a system that will aid the growth of developing countries, empowering its producers to grow their businesses and pass that success onto their communities. However,...

How to be a Fair Trade Town

A fair trade town is a town that has made its commitment to becoming a supporter of fair trade. The idea however is not limited to towns but can also include cities, villages and even islands or countries. Garstang in Lancashire was the first town in the world that...

Fair Trade Certification Problems and Challenges

Fair Trade Certification Problems & Challenges An official fair trade certification gives a small farmer or producer something potentially extremely valuable; the chance to sell their products in new, far larger and more lucrative markets, markets all over the...

Benefits of Fair Trade

5 Benefits of Fair Trade Everyone Should Understand A growing number of consumers do understand, in a rather vague way, that fair trade, and buying fair trade products, is a good thing, whether it’s coffee, clothing, shoes or something else. However, accepting that it...

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